5 Important Things to Know Before Owning a Frenchie
They are very sensitive to cold and hot climate conditions. They can get overheated very easily making them prone to heat stroke; so keep their time-limited while outside in the heat. They will not make a good running companion. In cold weather be sure to dress them in a sweater or jacket before going outside as their body temperature can drop drastically putting them at risk for hypothermia.

Very Important: Frenchies are not swimmers. Their dense muscular body structure causes them to sink like a submarine. Watch them closely when by water. If by water please utilize a well fitted doggie life vest.

These adorable pups eat their food very fast and they can choke or aspirate. Therefore, it is crucial to use a slow feeder at mealtime, you may also apply a little water to soften their food.
Don't let their cute little bat ears full you, their gas can certainly clear a room!
However, with the proper diet smelly gas can be kept at bay with happier and healthy little tummies.